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  • Advertisements Overview | LINIE Fachmagazin

    The most popular advertising formats The most popular advertising formats The most popular advertising formats Advertisement The ad becomes thematich suitably integrated into the magazine and delivered ready for printing by the customer. Kclassical aden contain a collection photo, the logo, a slogan, the trade fair dates and a contact. ​ If required, we would be happy to take over your ad design, including coordination with you. We charge an administration fee of 195 euros plus 19% sales tax Contact us. Data format: PDFx3 noeigenformat: 210 x 270 mm Bleed: 3 mm on all sides Printing method: CMYK uncoated offset Color profile: PSO uncoated v3_Fogra52.icc All elements must be created in this color profile and then output in this when writing the PDFx3 file. Book now advertorial ​ The advertorial he appears within the "First Look" section (collection presentation) in a selected segment and will thematically appropriate by us integrated. Book now 2-seitiges Advertorial "Marken im Fokus" ​ Das doppelseitige Advertorial mit bis zu 5 Fotos + ausführlicher Artikel über Kollektionen und Marken-Botschaft wird in der Rubrik "Marken im Fokus" platziert. Das Kontingent je Bodywear-Segment ist begrenzt. Dadurch schaffen wir eine wirkungsvolle Veröffentlichungen Ihrer Highlights mit Alleinstellungscharakter. ​ MEHR INFOS 1/6 Book 2/1 advertorial e-paper ​ If you would like to find out more about the structure, page structure or layout and design, you can get an overview here.

  • Imprint | LINIE Fachmagazin

    imprint Publisher's information company CaSano GmbH media and services Legion path 11 72108 Rottenburg aN Represented by: Manfred Neuhaus ​ Contact Phone: +49(0)7472.442230 Phone: +49(0)2256.958963 contact(at) register entry Registration in the commercial register. Registration court: District Court of Stuttgart Registration number: HRB 745473 ​ Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV CaSano GmbH media and services Manfred Neuhaus Legion path 11 72108 Rottenburg aN ​ Sales tax ID no. according to §27 a Value Added Tax Act UK 815437332 ​ Sources for images/graphics used Shown manufacturer/dealer pictures were as press photos for free use provided.

  • Key Styles Coming soon | LINIE Fachmagazin

    Key Styles FS 2025 Coming soon...

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