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- Dessous | LINIE INTERNATIONAL Fachmagazin für Dessous und Lingerie
LINIE INTERNATIONAL bietet der gesamten Bodywear-Branche Hintergrundinformationen und Marktanalysen zu den Themen Dessous, Beach-, Home-, Night-, und Legwear und Men´s Underwear sowie Store Design. The bodywear trade magazine for the lingerie industry The bodywear trade magazine for the lingerie industry The bodywear trade magazine for the lingerie industry Since 1949, the magazine has been the premium specialist reading for the lingerie trade, creative concept stores, trend agencies, fashion houses and the manufacturing industry . AktuellE Ausgabe JANUAR 2025 / HW 2025-26 JETZT VERFÜGBAR As one of the first trade magazines, Linie has been the most modern and popular trade magazine in the bodywear industry since its first edition in 1949. We always keep up with the times, develop appealing topics and continually offer new food for thought. Our reporting never follows a rigid pattern, but is varied, up-to-date and contemporary. We support business practices in retail with a wide range of topics. All of this is crucial to establishing yourself as a pioneer and trendsetter and to acting as a competent partner and mouthpiece between retail and industry. We are a committed team and ready to take bodywear to a new level. Are you? NEW Titelfoto: Soulwear by mey Bereiten Sie sich mit unserer KollektionsPREVIEW auf ihre Order vor. The lingerie print magazine shows what will influence the bodywear industry in the near and distant future, reports on national, international, social and fashion trends and their effects on the lingerie industry. Interesting projects and new concepts from the industry are presented in exciting interviews. Curated content picks up on fashion trends and themes and presents the new collections for each season. If you want to know more, read our issues regularly and also stay up to date with our free newsletter. Linie is published for the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons of each year with a comprehensive overview and specific specialist articles. Newsletter NEWSLETTER ABONNIEREN ALLE NEWS LESEN The Linie Letter informs the bodywear sector every 14 days conveniently by email about events in the laundry industry and provides useful information about business practices. No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. B2B online portal The industry online portal complements the print edition and presents collections exclusively in the First Look Gallery. Selected brands are examined in more detail in the Key Styles. Exciting interviews provide insight into how the industry works. Since most of this is B2B information, the online portal is only accessible to Linie Now members. Join our Community! REGISTRIEREN FÜR LINIE NOW Mey bodywear HW 25/26 Body Serie "Captivating" in aufregendem Red Carpet CALIDA HW 25/26 Boxershort Serie "Prints" mit Wildentenprint in Dark Glen SPEIDEL HW 25/26 Ensemble Serie "Francis" aus Bambus-Qualität SHORT STORIES HW 25/26 durchgeknöpfter Pyjama Serie "Flowers & Stories" aus Cotton-Modal-Mix SCHIESSER HW 25/26 Jubiläumskapsel aus Single Jersey in reiner Baumwolle in Admiralblau und Weiß Unsere Werte DIVERSITÄT | MODERNITÄT | NEUTRALITÄT | AUTHENTIZITÄT | NACHHALTIGKEIT Curious about more ? All innovations for Spring Summer 2021 to be seen soon in the upcoming issues of LINIE INTERNATIONAL
- Subcription Linie Letter | LINIE Fachmagazin
Register for the free Linie letter Stay in touch with us, subscribe to our line letter, which will keep you regularly informed about dates, deadlines, industry reports, trade fair updates and general news about our magazine. Free of charge and until further notice! In welchem Bereich sind Sie tätig? Bitte wählen Sie, welche Art E-Mail Sie von uns erhalten möchten: Ich möchte gerne regelmäßig (ca. 2 x monatlich) und kostenlos den LINIE Letter mit den aktuellen Branchenmeldungen erhalten. Ich gehöre der Industrie/einer PR-Agentur an und möchte ausschließlich E-Mails zum Thema: Deadlines, Kollektionsabruf, Themenpläne, Mediadaten und spezielle Angebote erhalten. I would like to receive the LINE LETTER immediately and free of charge until further notice. I have understood and accepted the information on data protection. Privacy Policy Subscribe to Linie Letter
- Register as a member | LINIE Fachmagazin
Sie sind bereits registriert und möchten sich jetzt einloggen? You already have a subscription or you are a manufacturer? REGISTER AS A MEMBER You don’t have a subscription yet? 1. Order a subscription REGISTER AS A MEMBER
Forum Posts (3)
- ForumregelnIn Allgemeine Diskussionen·26. Januar 2024Wir möchten, dass sich jeder in unserer Community wohl fühlt. Daher bitten wir um die Beachtung folgender Richtlinien: • Gegenseitiger Respekt • Nur themenrelevante Beiträge • Kein Spam000
- Das bin ichIn Allgemeine Diskussionen·26. Januar 2024Zeit zum Kennenlernen! Die Community freut sich über einen Gruß in den Kommentaren.003
- Willkommen im ForumIn Allgemeine Diskussionen·26. Januar 2024Beiträge und Kommentare können GIFs, Videos, #Hashtags und mehr enthalten.000